If you are interested in submitting a book proposal or a manuscript, please read the following information.

We accept proposals or full manuscripts both in printed form (submitted by post) and in electronic form (submitted by email).

All proposals must include:

• author credentials

• short description of the book

• outline of content (chapter titles and a short description of each chapter)

• sample material (at least 10 pages from the proposed book)


Formatting guide

Please note that we do not accept handwritten material or manuscripts without diacritical marks.

A standard word processing program (such as Microsoft Word) must be used for all proposals submitted in electronic form.

Fonts: Times New Roman 12

Line spacing: 1 (single)

All information relied upon from other works (whether published or unpublished, printed or available online) must be cited in footnotes. Footnotes must include the author, the title, the place of publication, the publisher, the date of publication and the relevant page number (or link).

If the proposal includes photos or illustrations, these need to be sent separately, as jpg./ jpeg. files.


Copyright and intellectual property

By submitting a work to us, the author warrants that:

• he/ she is the sole author of the work. If not, the submitting author is responsible for obtaining agreement of all coauthors before submitting a manuscript.

• the work does not infringe upon any copyright, proprietary, or personal right of any third party. If the work contains any material that is owned or controlled by a third party, the author certifies that he/she has obtained permission for its use and that the material is clearly acknowledged within the text.


Review process

All submitted manuscripts are first assessed by an in-house designated editor to determine whether they fit Vremea’s editorial profile and to ensure that basic quality standards are met.

If the manuscript passes the initial assessment, it is forwarded to the Editor-in-Chief, who further reviews the manuscript and decides on the next step: reject the manuscript, ask the authors to revise and resubmit, or recommend the manuscript for a final evaluation.

If recommended for a final evaluation:

general works (autobiographies, memoirs, journals, correspondence, fiction, poetry, children’s books, etc.) undergo a final evaluation by the Editorial Board, after which a definitive decision is made.

scientific or technical works undergo an external peer review evaluation. The Editor-in-Chief identifies 1-2 external peer reviewer(s) with expertise in the field of the work (either among Vremea’s external referees or based on their recommendation) who are willing to evaluate the manuscript. Following their review, the Editorial Board makes a final decision.

NB: Doctoral theses may be accepted for publication based on the doctoral committee referral reports (the decision rests solely with the Editor-in-Chief).

* Please allow between 6-12 weeks for a decision to be made.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Address: 14, Constantin Daniel Street, District 1, 010631, Bucharest