Our history

Vremea Publishing House was founded in august 1990, in Bucharest, by Silvia Colfescu and Nicolae Henegariu. While Colfescu and Henegariu had originally intended to start a newspaper, they eventually found that a publishing house was much better suited to their ultimate goal: publishing all documents related to the show trials staged by the Romanian communist party in the 1950s and 1960s.

It took them 5 years to track, research and get those documents ready for publishing, but in 1995, Vremea’s most prized book series was finally launched: FID – Fapte Idei Documente / Facts Ideas Documents. First book of the series: Principiul Bumerangului – Documente ale procesului Lucreţiu Pătrăşcanu (The boomerang principle – documents of Lucreţiu Pătrăşcanu’s trial), followed by a book on the reeducation method practiced on political prisoners detained in Piteşti and Gherla in the late 1940s and early 1950s.

While today still Vremea Publishing House continues to publish diaries, autobiographies and testimonies, with an emphasis on recent national history (including works on the interwar intellectual elite, the Royal House of Romania, and pre-war political and cultural personalities), its new book collections, which have been growing exponentially, attest to its commitment to a variety of subjects – architecture, urbanism, cultural anthropology, sociology, history of art, archeology.


Collections / Series

Throughout the years, we have initiated more than 20 book collections, ranging from history and art to fiction, poetry, touristic guides and children’s books (all our ongoing series are listed on the Main page). Some of our best-known collections are FID (Fapte Idei Documente / Facts Ideas Documents), Planeta Bucureşti (Planet Bucharest) and Arte (Arts).

Our books speak for themselves: have a look at all the titles published between 2015 and 2020 to get an idea of who we are.

Click here for the complete list.


Editorial Board

Silvia Colfescu – Editorial Director

Doinel Tronaru – Editor-in-Chief

Alexandra Ciuciulin – Editor


Scientific Committee and External referees

Scientific Committee

Doina Lemny – The National Museum of Modern Art, Centre Pompidou, Paris

Adrian-Silvan Ionescu – The „G. Oprescu” Institute of Art History, the Romanian Academy

Laura-Claudia Stanciu – „1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba Iulia

External referees

Alexandru-Florin Platon – The Faculty of History, „Al. I. Cuza” University, Jassy

Tereza Sinigalia – The Faculty of Art History and Theory, National University of Arts, Bucharest

Nicolae Noica – The Romanian Academy, Bucharest

Voica Maria Puşcaşu – The National Commission of Historical Monuments

Filip-Lucian Iorga – The Romanian Cultural Institute, Bucharest

Irina Stahl – The Institute of Sociology of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest

Nicoleta Roman – The „Nicolae Iorga” Institute of History, Bucharest

Lelia Zamani – sociologist, independent researcher, Bucharest

Simona Preda – historian, independent researcher, Bucharest

Andrei Popescu – historian, independent researcher, Bucharest


Book distribution

Our books are distributed nationwide.

We have access to bookstores all over the country: Humanitas and Cărtureşti chains, among others, but also local bookstores in Sibiu, Braşov, Oradea, Iaşi, Timişoara, Arad, Deva, Piteşti, Constanţa, Vâlcea, Cluj, Buzău, Baia Mare, Paşcani, Buzău, Piatra Neamţ, Alba Iulia, Craiova.

We also benefit from an extensive online book-distribution network.

We have our own online bookstore (www.edituravremea.ro), but our books are also distributed to other online stores (Elefant, Libris, Cartepedia).